Parc y Capel, Pond, Ramsey Island

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Cyfeirnod MapSM72SW
Cyfeirnod GridSM7044024090
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Sir Benfro
Hen SirSir Benfro
CymunedSt Davids and the Cathedral Close
Math O SaflePWLL DŴR
CyfnodÔl-Ganoloesol, Canoloesol
1. Earthwork remains of a pond and gully are visible on 0.25m lidar at Parc y Capel. The pond is l-shaped and has an adjoining gully which projects westwards to the cliff edge in the east. It is overlaid by a current field boundary which is visible on 1888 OS 1 inch series mapping.

The feature has been digitally mapped and updated from 0.25m Lidar as part of the CHERISH Project.

Record created as part of the CHERISH Project.
D.Hunt 01/02/2018

? Crown: CHERISH PROJECT 2017. Produced with EU funds through the Ireland Wales Co-operation Programme 2014-2020.