Magor Pill Wreck I

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Cyfeirnod MapST48SW
Cyfeirnod GridST4381084270
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Sir Fynwy
Hen SirSir Fynwy
CymunedMagor with Undy

The wreck at Magor Pill was discovered in 1994 when a wooden post was seen projecting from the mud on the Severn foreshore. Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust subsequently dendrochonogically dated a sample of the vessel's timbers to AD 1164, although the wood's outer ring would have given a somewhat later date than this, as the bark and sapwood had been stripped when the timber was originally prepared. The date of construction would therefore probably have been in the 13th century.

A Cadw funded preliminary survey by the Trust noted 4-5 floor timbers or ribs, and evidence of at least 7 metres of surviving boat. In 1995 a full examination was carried out, and this revealed the vessel to be clinker-built in the North European tradition, with the remains comprising 7 metres of the incomplete forward section of a 15-20m boat. Split oak planks were attached to a solid oak keel, and to one another, with iron nails. The cargo remains comprised a mound of iron ore piled onto a hazel hurdle.

Source: Nayling 'The Magor Pill Medieval Wreck' (1998), CBA Research Report 115

G.M. Edwards, RCAHMW, 12 January 2005