Inmos Factory;Semiconductor Plant, Newport

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Cyfeirnod MapST28NE
Cyfeirnod GridST2921085710
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Casnewydd
Hen SirSir Fynwy
CymunedTredegar Park
Math O SafleFFATRI
CyfnodModern, 20fed Ganrif
1. Microchip factory, still in use. Modern "hi-tech" building.
B.A.Malaws, RCAHMW, 07 October 1999.

2. Semi-conductor factory built by Richard Rogers between 1980-2.

"The building design evolved as a single-storey steel structure conceived as a kit of rapidly erectable parts, with maximum off-site prefabrication to allow the building to be erected bay by bay.The basic concept of Phase 1 of the building is a central linear circulation and service spine with internal wings for specialized activities. The spine...acts as an internal street or informal promenade, generous enough in size to contain vending machines, public telephones, seating, meeting places, planted areas and waiting areas for the offices. It provides total visual security control and is intended to link up with other future phases of building on the site, so that all the facilities in all the buildings are readily available to all staff."
Barbie Campbell Cole and Ruth Elias Rogers, ed. Richard Rogers + Partners. London: Architectural Monographs, Academy Editions, 1985. ISBN 0-312-68207-7. LC 82-60002. NA997.R6R5 1985. p8, p61.

T. Driver, 13 July 2007.