A stretch of submerged forest remains, comprising exposed peat deposits and tree stumps, root systems, and branches is visible on the foreshore at the Mumbles. Exposed remains have been observed at different times, and over different extents since the 1990s (see PRN 05801w).
Deposits were observed during a RCAHMW visit on 08/05/2024, exposed at the seaward edge of a muddy shingle bank. The deposits extended for c.50m in a NW/SE alignment, and roughly 2m west/east between 51.5744574°N, -3.9928391°W (NW end), and 51.5740571°N, -3.9925071°W (SE end). Peat layers, tree stumps/roots, and branches were all observed.
Sources Include:
Glamorgan Gwent Historic Environment Record PRN 05801w: https://archwilio.org.uk/her/chi3/report/page.php?watprn=GGAT05801w
RCAHMW Field visit 08/05/2024
J. Whitewright, RCAHMW, June 2024.