DisgrifiadCapel Dewi is located within a rectilinear field, with a footpath depicted as running its length on historic (1889-1906) Ordnance Survey mapping.
The remains of Capel Dewi consist of two buildings orientated east-west.
The larger appears to be rectangular and measures some 10.5m by 6.5m. Its now turf-covered stone walls were roughly dressed 0.6m thick and now up to 1m high.
Some 8m to the east are the remains of a smaller rectangular building some 9.5m by 5m. It too has turf-covered stone walls 0.8m thick and up to 0.4m high.
The site was visited and surveyed by RCAHMW staff in June 1986.
Sources include:
Ordnance Survey, 1889, first edition 25inch
Ordnance survey, 1906, second edition 25 inch
N Vousden, RCAHMW, 12 September 2012