Disgrifiad1..ST 09NE4
A group of five irregular stony mounds, now reduced to four, vary in size between 7m and 12m across and 0.6m-1.8m high.
DKL 1990
RCAHMW AP945104/45-6
2.. The two parts of the barrow cemetery have been rationalised under one schedule number, so that part to the SE, (SAM GM175) has been incorporated into the revised schedule designation of that to the NW (SAM GM270). Remains of three barrows in pasture to the SE of Tir Lan Farm, ranging in size from c. 7m to 12.5m in diameter - all three have been reduced by ploughing.
Source: Cadw revised schedule of 21.03.2006 F.Foster/RCAHMW 03.2006