11 Castle Street; Black Lion Hotel (Former), y Llew Du, 11 Stryd y Castell, Conwy

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Cyfeirnod GridSH7823277604
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Conwy
Hen SirSir Gaernarfon
Math O Safle
Later C16 house built by John Brickdall, Vicar of Conwy (1569-1607); his initials and those of his wife appear over the door together with the date 1589. Later in use as Black Lion Inn. Two storeys. Slate roof with massive square central chimney and second chimney to right. Walls of stone, with front wall of whitewashed pebbledash cladding with stuccoed plinth. Ledged central door in heavy frame. Two two-storey flanking rectangular gabled bays. Sash windows with horns (RAJ 10/7/03; based on CADW listing description).

Description and plan in The Caernarvonshire Inventory II, monument no. 191. RFS/2009

Tree-ring dating commissioned by RCAHMW reported in Vernacular Architecture, Vol. 41:
13. CONWY, 11 Castle Street (formerly The Black Lion) (SH 7824 7759)
(a) Primary phase Felling date: Winter 1441/2
(b) Inserted chimney Felling date range: After 1517
(a) Principal rafters (3/4) 1441(14C), 1429(1), 1423(h/s); (b) Mantel beam 1506. Site Masters (a) 1385-1441 CONWY1 (t = 6.7 HANTS02; 6.6 FURNESS; 6.5 GEORGIN1; 6.3 NOSTELL1); (b) 1467-1506 bsc5 (t = 7.9 PLASMWR1; 7.1 BDGLRT22; 7.0 BDGLRT13; 6.7 GWYNEDD3).
An urban hallhouse sited parallel to the street not far from Aberconwy House (tree-ring dated to 1420; VA 32.86). The house is of conventional plan with a two-bayed hall set between inner and outer bays. The trusses are jointed crucks, which have a scattered distribution in north Wales. Conversion of the hall into a stone-walled storeyed house of hearth-passage type, serving as the vicarage, is dated by an inscription of 1589 on the front elevation with the initials of John Brickdall (vicar, d. 1607). Outbuildings include an outside kitchen. Five timbers were sampled from the house. Most of the timbers were fast grown, and as such did not have much promise for successful tree-ring dating. Nevertheless, three out of four samples from the primary construction phase dated. The fifth sample was from an inserted chimney stack in the hall. The mantelbeam had only 40 rings, yet remarkably it dated with the last measured of 1506. As it lacked any sapwood or H/S boundary, only a terminus post quem date of after 1517 can be given. This sample was only considered to be dated due to the exceptionally high matches with local north-west Welsh chronologies, the best being from Conwy. See RCAHMW, Caernarvonshire Inventory II (1960), p. 68. RF Suggett/Daniel Miles 2010.

LawrlwythoMathFfynhonnellDisgrifiadapplication/pdfGeneral Digital Donations CollectionArchaeological assessment of 11 Castle Street, Conwy produced by Engineering Archaeological Services Ltd, October 2012.application/pdfGeneral Digital Donations CollectionEAS Client Report no 2014/07 entitled "11 Stryd y Castell, Conwy Drainage Works in the Rear Garden" carried out by I.P. Brooks, 2014.application/pdfGeneral Digital Donations CollectionEAS Client Report no 2014/04 entitled "Recording of Features on the Front and SE Elevations of 11 Castle Street Conwy and an Assessment of the Potential for the Survival of Wall Paintings" carried out by I.P. Brooks, 2014.application/pdfGeneral Digital Donations CollectionArchaeological Evaluation of 11 Castle Street, Conwy produced by Engineering Archaeological Services Ltd, December 2012.